
Dick Meister, a San Francisco-based journalist, has covered labor andpolitical issues for a half-century as a reporter, editor, author andcommentator. Contact him through his website,

Articles by Author

07 March 2009
Yes, the National Labor Relations Act says workers have the right to organize and join unions. Yet a new study shows that growing numbers of them risk being...
22 February 2009
Those who are seeking reform of the woefully inadequate health care system have a new and powerful ally that aims to put the bulk of the country’s registered...
20 February 2009
After nearly a half-century of steady decline, American unions are showing unmistakable signs that they’re finally reversing direction.

10 February 2009
This is not a happy time for American autoworkers. Their employers are cutting thousands of jobs, closing plants, and demanding – and getting – major pay and...
02 February 2009
It’s the 90th anniversary this month of the general strike that brought the city of Seattle to a virtual standstill -- one of the very few general strikes in...
30 December 2008
Few government employees have more important responsibilities than the federal air traffic controllers whose primary job is to protect the safety of the ever-...
