
Articles by Author

Drawing of two hands holding up a sign saying Affordable Housing for Everyone and a big building in the background
13 June 2019

The affordable housing crunch in Columbus is growing by the day and you can see one of its causes at the corner of Lane and High just off-campus.


Green ground and dusky sky with huge red moon and a design on the ground
28 April 2019

Farmer-tanned golfers smoking cigars and swigging beer are gleefully swatting their ball in and around the Octagon Earthworks, built 2,000 years ago by...

Black and white drawing of a hand holding the Earth
19 April 2019

What’s Right

Compost Exchange: This is an important and convenient way to keep food out of the landfill to get it...

Marijuana leaf with words on the leaves saying Medical Business and Horticulture
05 April 2019

Many hardworking and successful marijuana connoisseurs have dreamed of one day working a legal and legitimate job in the cannabis industry.


Teacher leaning over showing something to small child
02 April 2019

Columbus City Schools has had its share of issues and most local media love to kick our city schools while they’re down.

Recently, our region’s...

Word Destroyers in a logo with a artsy football below and an image of a football player to the right and Columbus downtown skyline to left
30 March 2019

Coaching a brand-spanking new football team is tough enough but try building one from the ground up.

Destroyers Head Coach Matt Sauk says he’s up for...
