Dr Kohls is a retired physician who practiced holistic, non-drug, mental health care for the last decade of his family practice career. He now writes a weekly column for the Reader Weekly, an alternative newsweekly published in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. Many of Dr Kohls’ columns are archived at http://duluthreader.com/articles/categories/200_Duty_to_Warn

Articles by Author

08 April 2020

After I circulated yesterday’s excerpts of statements from a TED Talk interview of Bill Gates (Mr. “Vaccinate Everybody on the...

26 March 2020

As you read the following article from 2008, recall that 9/11/01 was Dick Cheney’s...

22 March 2020

Excerpts from an Interview with Dr Joseph Mercola – March 8, 2020 (3261 words)



19 March 2020

Recalling George Orwell’s 1984 and Allan Moore’s V for Vendetta: De-mystifying – and Stopping -...

11 March 2020

The unwanted truths about the connections between 1) our immune systems’ resistance to infectious organisms and 2)...
