Articles by Author

Harvey J Graff
01 April 2023

I take the unprecedented step in the history of the City of Columbus to voice a demand publicly for an apology and reparations for neighborhood...

John Hartman
29 March 2023

I write in sadness but with admiration and memories of pleasure. I am of an age. I dedicated my 2022 book, Searching for Literacy, to four scholar/...

Harvey J Graff
25 March 2023

There are both very few and many take-aways from Andy Ginther’s non-State of the City fantasy  tale on Tuesday, March 21. Three stand out:


Old First Presbyterian Church
20 March 2023

Along with a few dozen Columbus-area residents of diverse age, occupation, gender, and race, my wife and I delighted in the monthly First Things event on...

Bricker Hall
18 March 2023

Columbus, Ohio is the United States’ oldest and largest city that lacks both identity and history. By history, I mean a tradition of serious,...

Harvey J Graff
14 March 2023

On March 14, 2023, a day that will live in infamy in Columbus and across the Oval, The Ohio State University filed the petition to the US Supreme...
