
Articles by Author

Blue eyeball looking at a gold sputnik looking device against a map of the world and lots of zeros and ones in the background
09 March 2019

[ An earlier version of this article was posted on ...

12 January 2017

With the mind fogging meme of “Russian Influence,” we are avoiding a fact-based analysis of the 2016 election at our own peril.


Red hammer and sickle Communism logo
08 January 2017

With the mind fogging meme of “Russian Influence,” we are avoiding a fact-based analysis of the 2016 election at our own peril.


25 December 2016

Harvey Wasserman interviews investigative reporting partner Bob Fitrakis about the rigged 2016 selection and the inside...

08 July 2013
“…[I]ndividuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience imposed by the individual state.”
The International...
30 December 2009
Contradictions on the Horizon

You see them as you fly in. 'Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen, Lovely Ol' Girl of the Sea,' as Danny Kaye's...
