
Paul Loeb is the author of Soul of a Citizen: Living With Conviction in a Cynical Time and he The Impossible Will Take a Little While. new anthology on political hope,

Articles by Author

06 January 2008
It makes me feel like an indecisive mugwump, but in the wake of the Iowa caucuses, I've sent money to both Edwards and Obama. In a month, I'll have to choose,...
01 January 2008
Obviously Obama and Edwards are competing with each other, but the caucuses in Iowa, Nevada, and Washington State give the two campaigns a chance to also...
23 December 2007
Over the years, people have often asked me what social change groups I support financially. I've pulled together an informal list and thought it just might be...
19 December 2007
Ever since Hillary Clinton supported the reckless Kyl-Lieberman Iran bill, her Democratic competitors have been blasting her for her stand, and rightly so. By...
19 December 2007
Ever since Hillary Clinton supported the reckless Kyl-Lieberman Iran bill, her Democratic competitors have been blasting her for her stand, and rightly so. By...
02 December 2007
When Democrats worry about Hillary Clinton's electability, they focus on her reenergizing a depressed Republican base while demoralizing core Democratic...
