
Robert Koehler is an award-winning, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer. Contact him at or visit his website at

Articles by Author

25 October 2023
Here’s some advice you probably never got about parenting: Write...
18 October 2023

“In the midst of our grief and pain, let’s remind each other who we are.” .

These are the words of...

12 October 2023

Humanity’s cancer shows up in Israel and Palestine. Missiles fly, hell makes global headlines, thousands of people die, many of them (oh God, of course)...

04 October 2023

Something happened on Tuesday, as I began researching this column — I wound up having to give myself a COVID test.

A good friend had just tested...

27 September 2023

If the right gets its way, maybe in a decade or two, the United States will be free of its slave-owning past.

All gone – gone with the wind. It’s...

21 September 2023

It’s 10 p.m. at Montrose Harbor in Chicago. Kiko and Tamar help me step from the dock into the wobbly rowboat. Kiko rows us out to the Golden Rule and I...
