Robert Koehler is an award-winning, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer. Contact him at or visit his website at

Articles by Author

05 August 2021

What if . . . ?

I get lost — tangled in doubt and cynicism — when I try to pose the question in a more specific way. What if . . . a collective human...

29 July 2021

Perhaps the best possible thing we could acknowledge being is a “divided nation.” Failing to do so justifies — or at least avoids noticing — all manner of...

21 July 2021

We crossed the Atlantic, encountered a bunch of savages, defeated them, claimed the continent. We won! This is the history I remember learning, as...

14 July 2021

Let’s dance at the border!

One of these days, something will give — the rich, the powerful will suddenly look around cluelessly. What’s happening?...

07 July 2021

An end to war? It’s certainly necessary, but is it politically possible?

The fate of ...
