
Articles by Author

Sign about Bigotry University
19 February 2025

What is SBI and which side is on track to win?

The Advance Ohio Higher Education Act (SB1) is a bill that the majority party in the...

Words Help us topple corporate rule
03 March 2019

Strange dramas are unfolding these days in the Ohio Statehouse and City Hall in Columbus. While concerned Ohioans rally around citizen initiatives to ensure...

06 September 2018

Two recent local news stories offer compelling, if baffling, insight into the priorities of the media in and around Columbus. On August 22, the media...

Lots of people holding signs in a room together yelling
05 September 2018

Two recent local news stories offer compelling, if baffling, insight into the priorities of the media in and around Columbus. On August 22, the media...

Blue background with partial photo of small child holding a glass of water and words Safe water for our kids, Columbus no place for Frack Waste
11 June 2018

Drink Water? Breathe air? Depend on safe soil? Then this urgent message is for you.

Central Ohioans have less than a month to protect our water, air...

Tall metal structure out in a field - an injection well
06 December 2016

Central Ohio residents have the opportunity to take direct action to safeguard our water, though we must act fast. The opportunity is through support of the...
