
17 February 2016


Your new movie, Where to Invade Next, is very powerful, your best so far for certain.

Get well.


We need you.

You've packed a great many issues into this film, with visuals, with...

03 December 2015

More than 10,000 people have now signed a petition urging Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to resign. See their signatures and comments at:

17 October 2015

Signers of this statement are listed below.

The U.S. and NATO occupy my country under the name of all the beautiful banners of democracy, women’s rights, human rights. And for this long time, they...

27 March 2015


Mini Conference on the PUCO’s Upcoming Energy Decisions

Win a Carbon/Nuke Free Ohio

Move to Renewables and Efficiency

SUNDAY APRIL 12, 2015; 1pm to 5:45 pm


28 February 2015

The Ohio legislature knows that you're concerned about the algae blooms that threaten our state's drinking water sources, so they're rushing to pass legislation to address solutions. But until they recognize a major culprit to our water...

23 February 2015
Dear President Obama:

We're delighted that you have begun the long-awaited process of normalizing relations with Cuba, and we're anxious to see a US embassy open in Havana, but there is an action that you alone can take to...


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