
28 September 2003
Over 50 GLBT and allied community members attended a Candidate’s Night on Thursday evening at the King Avenue United Methodist Church hosted by Stonewall CAN (Community Action Network), Stonewall Democrats of Central Ohio and the Log Cabin...
02 August 2003
Beacon Fellowship is shocked and appalled over the comments and intentions of President Bush regarding same-sex marriage.

During a press conference yesterday, Bush made it very clear that he opposes same-sex marriage and that...
04 May 2003

The purpose of the Week is to educate and raise awareness about violence and explore ways to reduce and prevent violence in our homes and communities. This year will mark the 5th...
30 April 2003
That GLAAD's campaign against the 'Savage Nation' show on MSNBC has itself generated strident criticism should surprise no one. Though considered by many "an act of faith," as William Fulbright so eloquently referred to it, and as GLAAD...
21 April 2003
Ten days after Governor James A. Rhodes assumed office on January 14, 1963, a Cincinnati FBI agent wrote Director J. Edgar Hoover a memo stating: “At this moment he [Rhodes] is busier than a one-armed paper hanger . . . . Consequently, I...
18 April 2003
The only reason George W. Bush is president today – unleashing the dogs of war and pushing the U.S. into becoming a hard right, authoritarian and militaristic state – is the unconscionable “War on Drugs.”. Like Benito Mussolini in the...


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