
16 August 2015

merican psychologists have ...

04 August 2015


One-and-a-half year old Ali Saad Dawabsha became the latest victim of Israeli violence on July 31. He was burnt to death. Other members of his family were also severely burnt in a Jewish settlers’ attack on their home in the...

13 July 2015

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Chinese security forces wrapped black bags over
the heads of handcuffed "jihad" Uighur passengers onboard their forced
flight from Bangkok, and frogmarched them onto the tarmac in China

06 July 2015

Obamacare is the name given a law that says you must buy overpriced private health insurance from companies that fund election campaigns. Yes, it's got some lipstick on it, but compared to a civilized healthcare system like...

06 July 2015
Max Blumenthal's latest book, The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza, tells a powerful story powerfully well. I can think of a few other terms that accurately characterize the 2014 Israeli assault on Gaza in addition to "war...
20 June 2015
The cries for the death of the Charleston murderer are already mounting.     But we can do better.     One would expect in this country that the government will seek to kill this twisted young man for his having shot nine wonderful...


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