
27 December 2023

“Red Rover, Red Rover, let Bobby come over!”

I can feel the wind on my face, the gravel at my feet – oh so minutely, but with enough realness to pull me back seven decades, into one of the earliest moments of my becoming.


25 December 2023

In a 2002 interview the former Israeli government minister Shulamit Aloni was asked...

20 December 2023

What’s ordinary about life suddenly becomes sacred. This is my definition of poetry — my deepest plunge into being alive.

It seems more relevant than ever, as innocent blood flows in the wars being waged by military-political...

13 December 2023

There are a number of blatant ways for terrorist organizations – by which I mean national governments – to justify committing mass murder.

Once you start killing, it’s hard to stop. But you have to justify what you’re doing – a...

02 December 2023

So anxious are Evangelicals for the second coming of the Lord by God, a zombie apocalypse, many anxious MAGA disciples are rushing headlong into Armageddon with their offering of not one, but two heirheads apparent: The Orange Jesus,...


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