16 January 2006
We celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His dedication and his vision, expressed in word and deed, inspire generation after generation. “I have a dream” will be heard in classrooms across America. School children and TV specials will...
16 January 2006
No matter what you think of George W. Bush, he is staking out his claim as a bona fide Horseman of the Apocalypse.

With his Hand of Hell in Iraq already yielding countless dead, $200 billion wasted and a global war against...
15 January 2006
In the wake of the Alito hearings, mainline pundits are calling his nomination a done deal. Alito didn’t spew obscenities or green bile. He didn’t admit that he’d reverse Roe v. Wade or vow to proclaim George Bush Lord Emperor. Rehearsed...
15 January 2006
In the wake of the Alito hearings, mainline pundits are calling his nomination a done deal. Alito didn't spew obscenities or green bile. He didn't admit that he'd reverse Roe v. Wade or vow to proclaim George Bush Lord Emperor. Rehearsed...
13 January 2006
From Sheila Parks:
I have just come from a meeting with two Kennedy aides - about Alito. This is about a filibuster. We must get enough Democratic votes for a filibuster. Everyone in each state must work on their Senator - those...
12 January 2006
AUSTIN, Texas -- Boy, you really can't take your eyes off this bunch for a minute, can you? If they're not screwing up one thing, then they're screwing up another -- busy little beavers. And then there are the administrative nightmares...


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