
Andy Ostoy is the author of The Ostoy Report, a political blog

Articles by Author

08 March 2018

HELP WANTED: White House Aide(s)...

04 October 2013
Dear House Republicans: Well, ya done did it. You shut down the government. Congratulations! Although I'm not exactly sure for what. But let me take a stab at...
03 July 2013
As Yogi Berra once famously said, "It's deja vu all over again." That's precisely the feeling I get about the trial of George Zimmerman, who prosecutors have...
26 March 2012
The death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin one month ago in Sanford, Fl has all the earmarks of the 1964 Mississippi murders of civil rights activists James...
20 May 2011
Tina Fey recently hosted Saturday Night Live and resurrected her brilliant impersonation of Sarah Palin in a 2012 Republican presidential debate skit in which...
10 January 2011
It's been quite disconcerting to see how lamely the mainstream news media has been handling the aftermath of the tragic shooting spree in Tuscon Saturday which...
