01 January 2006
Can there be any doubt that if the White House finds out who leaked the story of its illegal spying, fierce retribution will follow? 

Another way of asking that question is: Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought...
01 January 2006
Talk of censure and impeachment has begun swirling around President Bush.  Can Vice President Cheney come to the rescue?  He will do so if enough of Bush's opponents adopt the position of this Philadelphia Daily News op-ed writer...
30 December 2005
....today is the anniversary date of the wounded knee massacre of 1890 on pine ridge in south dakota. was sitting in the coffee shop this morning staring out to the still dark street....

indian people are still dying , just...
30 December 2005
U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has admitted that he "ghosted" a detainee, meaning that he made the decision to hold a prisoner without keeping any records of the fact. 

While prisoners of war can be theoretically...
30 December 2005
Journalists should be in the business of providing timely information to the public. But some -- notably at the top rungs of the profession -- have become players in the power games of the nation’s capital. And more than a few seem glad to...
29 December 2005
These days, editorials barely matter. Few people outside the professional political classes bother to read them. It's a form of writing as dead as the dodo, so we should find a specimen that is still in decent enough condition to be...


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