
20 April 2019

Bernie Sanders wrapped up a weekend campaign swing through California with a Sunday afternoon speech to 16,000 of us a few miles from the Golden Gate Bridge. News coverage seemed unlikely to convey much about the event. The multiracial...

16 April 2019

Most people realize how Big Pharma's greedy drug pricing raises our health care costs. Fewer are aware of how the greedy drug pricing also raise our taxes.


Currently, 60 "patient"...

Middle aged white man with big ears closeup of face looking shifty
08 April 2019
It's not hard to do. You can probably accomplish it at home quite easily. In These Times just published...
21 March 2019

Nationalists — white or otherwise — need “invasions” on a regular basis in order to stay revved up and equal to the cause. Thus:

15 March 2019

Artificial Intelligence is one thing. Artificial morality is another. It may sound something like this:

11 March 2019

“I believe that for a moment I thought the explosion might set fire to the atmosphere and thus finish the Earth, even though I knew that this was not possible.”



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