
31 December 2018

Here in Charlottesville, as in most places, we like our stories simple. Most books by local author John Grisham have good guys and bad guys. When a UVa sports team wins, everybody says “Yay, we won!” When it loses, three-quarters of the...

20 December 2018

Christmas Day....

19 December 2018

Sign this petition to The City Council of Charlottesville, Virginia:
Divest all public money from weapons companies, major war profiteers, and fossil fuel companies.

13 December 2018
We are the Little Folk—we! Too little to love or to hate. Leave us alone and you’ll see How we can drag down the State!   A Pict Song, Rudyard Kipling  

Belgium has joined the list of...

09 December 2018

When I popped open the old laptop, the Geek Squad guy said maybe I should dust it off.


07 December 2018

Charlottesville is interested in improving its image after a bunch of hate-filled ralliers successfully google-bombed it. Now you search for the name of our town and you find images of all these people who don’t live anywhere near here...


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