
07 February 2018

The United States Department of Defense released its latest ‘Nuclear Posture Review 2018’ (NPR) on 2 February, updating the last one issued in 2010 during the previous administration. See...

30 January 2018

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’s new book, Loaded: A Disarming History of the Second Amendment, could be criticized for how little it seems to focus on the Second Amendment, and how much on topics familiar from the author’s past writing...

23 January 2018

As our world spirals deeper into an abyss from which it is becoming increasingly difficult to extricate ourselves, some very prominent activists have lamented the lack of human solidarity in the face of the ongoing genocide of the...

15 January 2018

Breathe deeply, suck in your fear, value life.

Some psycho-pranksters have made this national...

09 January 2018

y comment: “first the ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight
you, then you win”. We are getting close to winning ;-). The response to
this fascist states’ litany of new laws and regulation that stifle free...

05 January 2018


These 10+ TruthDig interviews in the link below are promising sources of information to enlighten (and frighten) viewers into awareness (and activism) concerning the devastating implications of the near-total...


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