
27 November 2017



When I began this essay I thought I aimed at a rather modest target, but the “story grew in the telling” and reached out further and further to interweave more and more...

26 November 2017

“Imagine being so bad at drumming that you become a Nazi,” someone tweeted in response to the recent and scandalous New York Times’...

22 November 2017

OK, here’s a good one: What’s the position of women in the antiwar movement?

This was circa 1967, when I was a college kid just...

22 November 2017

hose aren’t the only questions raised by the surprise assault accusation by radio performer...

16 November 2017

Things fall apart, the center cannot hold . . .

The “man’s world” I grew up is shattering into fragments of shame, contrition and desperate denial....

14 November 2017


In a recent incident in the United States, yet another unarmed man was shot dead by police after opening his front door in response to their knock...


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