
24 September 2017

The immensely powerful, deeply moving and historic protests of our nation’s athletes against the absurd rantings of our Great Dictator make one thing abundantly clear: the diversity of this nation is not going away.



24 September 2017
Remarks at #NoWar2017 conference on September 22, 2017.
20 September 2017

Nobody, not racist warmakers, not imaginary non-racist warmakers, not founding fathers, not radical protesters should be made into a deity, larger than life, in marble or bronze, on horseback or otherwise. Nobody is that flawless, and...

16 September 2017

istorically, bigotry has served as the basis for US policy and law often enough that no one should be surprised that we’re at it again, targeting...

09 September 2017

Remarks at People’s Convergence Conference, Sept. 8, 2017


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