
12 April 2016

o what happens if a campaign tries “disqualification” as a tactic?

Hillary Clinton and the Clinton campaign...

23 March 2016

The Governor of California has joked about building a wall all the way around his state if Donald Trump becomes president of the other 49. Secession would not be a joke had it not been given an undeserved bad...

14 March 2016


“I’m not here to announce my candidacy for office…. America will remain, as it is today, the envy of the world….

If we Republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and...
03 March 2016

It’s the day after the big vote and I’m doing my best to dig Tulsi Gabbard’s endorsement of Bernie Sanders out from beneath the pile of Super Tuesday numbers and media declarations of winners and losers.

As a...

07 February 2016

Super Bowl 50 will be the first National Football League championship to happen since...

06 February 2016

“It was also a shock to the system that a candidate universally known in Iowa, with deep pockets and long experience, could come close to losing to a relative unknown who was initially considered little more than a protest candidate.”...


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