
05 August 2016
“… Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens. That’ll be next.”...
28 July 2016


According to supporters of Hillary Clinton, anything other than a vote for her is "a vote for Trump," and according to supporters of Donald Trump, anything other than a vote for Trump is "a vote for...

13 July 2016

One of the many interesting details to be learned by understanding human psychology is how a person's unconscious fear works in a myriad of ways to make them believe that they bear no responsibility for a particular problem....

29 June 2016

Deeply affected by the death of my two uncles in World War II, on 1 July 1966, the 24th anniversary of the 'USS Sturgeon' sinking of the Japanese prisoner-of-war ship 'Montevideo Maru' which killed the man after whom I am named, I...

26 June 2016
What matters more? War around the world, or mass shootings at home?

hat’s the difference between these two...

17 June 2016

As with becoming a whistleblower or an activist or an artist there must be numerous reasons why any individual becomes a terrorist -- whether military, contract, or independent. Various irrational hatreds and fears...


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