
23 September 2019

Senator Cory Booker has become a Pro-Nuke Holocaust Denier and must not be president or vice.

As desperate mostly-young millions march worldwide for the survival of our Earth, Booker embraces explosive atomic 500-F climate...

05 September 2019

Progressive activists often see a frustrating pattern. Many Democrats in office are good at liberal platitudes but don’t really fight for what we need. Even when constituents organize to lobby or protest, they have little leverage...

02 September 2019

It is not often that one hears anything like the truth in today’s Washington, a city where the art of dissimulation has reached new heights among both Democrats and Republicans. Everyone who has not been asleep like Rip Van Winkle for...

29 August 2019

For plutocrats, this summer has gotten a bit scary. Two feared candidates are rising. Trusted candidates are underperforming. The 2020 presidential election could turn out to be a real-life horror movie: A Nightmare on...

16 August 2019

Many decades ago, the great media critic George Seldes observed: “The most sacred cow of the press is the press itself.” That remains true today.


Bernie Sanders set off the latest round of outraged denial from elite...

08 August 2019

Here’s a thought experiment: Imagine that a letter from the billionaire real-estate broker George M. Marcus was hand-delivered to the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, asking to meet with her. What are the chances that Pelosi would...


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