
16 August 2016


Reliable, verifiable medical records from presidential candidates – what’s so hard about that?


11 August 2016

Donald Trump is a reckless fool. But the U.S. defense establishment is M.A.D.

And herein lies one of the darker problems with the Trump candidacy, and the reason why so many establishment conservatives are awkwardly distancing...

29 July 2016


The level of hatred and hostility towards Hillary Clinton is staggering. This is not just “nattering nabobs of negativity”: what is occurring now is more like verifiable vitriolic vehemence that is unprecedented in my...

29 July 2016

These were instructions passed around during the last night of the Wells Fargo Arena Anti-Russia Don't-Say-TPP Call-It-Debt-Free-College-Not-Free-College Democratic Party Extravaganza. Noise Makers were deployed. Lights could be...

28 July 2016

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on July 25 that Israel has defeated the BDS movement. Ben White of ...

Donald Trump at podium looking sideways and stupid
24 July 2016

As the Democratic Convention opens in Philadelphia, there’s just one one clear message that matters from the Republicans: Donald Trump will be within ten points of Hillary Clinton in the fall election. 

Thus, unless the Democrats...


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