
25 December 2016

I pledge allegiance to . . . what?

The Electoral College, to no one’s serious surprise, voted Donald Trump in as the nation’s 45th president, and...

20 December 2016


lections have consequences, as the cliché goes, and those consequences are unpredictable, perhaps never more unpredictable...

19 December 2016

As we think about the election — what went wrong, what’s been unleashed and what we should do about it — please, please, let us expand our...

19 December 2016

The growing push to defeat Trump by any of the following means:

  • Taking the CIA's warmongering on faith and blaming Vladimir Putin for everything,
  • Accusing the FBI,
  • ...
11 December 2016

At moments like these, when every good responsible and enlightened liberal is recognizing the need to destroy the world in order to save it, by getting World War III started with...

09 December 2016

The president-elect stumbles over the protocols of geopolitics and war, tweeting all the way.

It’s not just insane. It’s awkward.



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