
The Obama family posing outside
02 February 2017

I have been in a funk since the day after last year’s presidential election. About a month before the voting, I began to feel as though Donald Trump would beat Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I thought the only hope was...

Trump with a big head
21 January 2017
In the midst of a terrible national illness, we organize and march for the known and solid cures.     For democracy and our natural planet.     We have clear direction on both issues.     This weekend's massive, powerful women's and other...
12 January 2017

With the mind fogging meme of “Russian Influence,” we are avoiding a fact-based analysis of the 2016 election at our own peril.

Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none...

Obama leaning back in leather chair with hand on mouth looking pensive
11 January 2017

Can you name the President who added 10 millions jobs in his eight year term where 94% of the jobs were temporary with little to no benefits? (as per study by Harvard University L Katz and Princeton University economist A Krueger)...

06 January 2017


Eight years ago Yes! Magazine published a political...

25 December 2016

Demesia Padilla’s sudden resignation as Taxation and Revenue Department secretary last week sent a jolt through state government. It was also a blow to Republican Gov. Susana Martinez, who had stood by Padilla, one of her longest-...


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