
16 April 2015

"It's bad enough to be creating more profit incentive for war," I told former head of Blackwater Erik Prince, "but you recycle part of the profits as bribes for more war in the form of so-called campaign contributions. You yourself have...

03 April 2015

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thirteen days after receiving U.S. Air Force
training to strengthen his troops, military coup leader Gen. Prayuth
Chan-ocha toughened his grip by lifting martial law on April 2 and
enforcing a...

28 March 2015

By Cindy Sheehan and David Swanson

 The U.S. government is toying with a war with nuclear Russia while already...

28 February 2015

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to hear that Congress members will skip Netanyahu's speech no matter what reason they offer. Here are some of them:

It's too close to...

25 December 2014


In terms of losses in human lives, 2014 has been a horrific year for Palestinians, surpassing the horrors of both 2008 and 2009, when an...

28 November 2014

Coup leader Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha demanded, "Who put a gun to her head?" after ousted prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra said the bloodless military putsch in May seemed like "gun at my head" forcing her to submit.



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