
13 July 2014



The current deadline for a final agreement between Iran and the P5+1 nations (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany) is July 20 this year.  After the agreement is announced, it...

08 June 2014



BANGKOK, Thailand -- McDonald's restaurant, American Baptists, and the British ambassador have explained to people suffering under Thailand's coup why it is important to protect clown-faced Ronald McDonald, introduce...

08 June 2014




Was Obama unwelcomed in the Philippines?

The PH government rolled out the red carpet for Obama. In the streets however, thousands marched to protest Obama’s PH visit. The protests were aimed at the...

03 June 2014



Why did France's extreme right win the European elections?

As I traveled to France last weekend, there was an earthquake. I didn't feel it under my feet, but it was all over the newspapers, which declared "seisme!"...

31 May 2014



A complex portrait is emerging of the 60-year-old, mercurial, thin-skinned, sarcastic Army Chief Gen.Prayuth Chan-ocha, who surprised his non-NATO treaty alliance colleagues in the Pentagon by announcing a coup on May 22...

20 May 2014



Hours after declaring martial law on Tuesday (May 20), Army Chief Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha asked where Thailand's weak elected government was hiding, joked about further restricting the media, and denied he was plotting...


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