“Those who take oaths to politically powerful secret societies cannot be depended on for loyalty to a democratic republic.” -- John Quincy Adams
“Those who take oaths to politically powerful secret societies cannot be depended on for loyalty to a democratic republic.” -- John Quincy Adams
Ho hum, there was another mass shooting at another school a few days ago.
This one was at an Oregon junior college. It happens to be the...
That little smoke-filled room where our despair and paranoia incline us to imagine a small number of evil people run the world clearly forgot to keep an eye on the Republican Party.
A popular movement has...
Get ready: the Republicans may not know it, but they’ve all but certified their ticket for 2016, and they will probably win.
The saturation bloviation that followed this week’s Republican presidential debates missed...
The central assumption of democracy — beyond the assumption of fair elections, which is disturbingly questionable — is that voters are the possessors of their own “interests,” and vote for the candidate most sympathetic to them....