
Monday, September 23, 9am-5pm, Ohio History Center, 800 E. 17th Ave.

Join us for a Statewide Underground Railroad Gathering in Ohio! This event is free.

The Ohio Statewide Underground Railroad Gathering aims to unite current and potential future Network to Freedom sites throughout Ohio, which boasts the highest number of documented sites in the nation on the Network to Freedom Trail. This is the first event of its kind that seeks to create a space for the over 100 Underground Railroad sites in the state of Ohio. Our objectives include encouraging research into new sites, sharing best practices, promoting collaboration, celebrating accomplishments, and facilitating public engagement.

We invite both current Network to Freedom sites and those interested in joining to participate in this event. This gathering is a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and collaborate on preserving and sharing the rich history of the Underground Railroad in Ohio.

RSVP for this event by using this link.

Hosted by National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom and Ohio History Connection.


Monday, September 23, 2024 - 9:00am

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