
31 October 2018

rump’s November 6 blitzkrieg depends on stripping our right to vote and flipping the vote count.

To hold back a potential Democrat “Blue Wave,” Trump has formed a RED WALL to disenfranchise...

31 October 2018

Our two previous podcasts---two full hours---with experts Greg Palast, Mimi Kennedy, Dan Sheehan, Sara Nelson, Steve Rosenfeld, Jon Simon, John Brakey & others are at:  


Old white man with orange hair coming down on his forehead looking goofy
31 October 2018

First of all, if you are reading this you are not a dummy. However, you are most certainly considered to be a dummy by anyone who fits the psychological profile called the “malignant narcissist.” My intent is to describe this entity for...

31 October 2018

Someone recklessly left a copy of a Washington Post lying around in this coffee shop, and I succumbed to morbid curiosity long enough to notice...

31 October 2018

“Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good!”
“Don’t be such a purist!”
“Be strategic!”
“Do what’s possible!”
“You can’t deny reality / human nature / religious text.”

The phrases used to oppose...

28 October 2018

Treasonous “October Surprises” gave Republicans the presidency in 1968 and 1980. A staged 1933 Reichstag fire gave Hitler his dictatorship. 

This year’s likeliest pretext for a Trump coup could be that “terror caravan” to the...


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