
03 November 2018



Some are inclined to recognize that Trumpies are dwelling in an alternative universe in which neither climate collapse nor nuclear apocalypse is a concern but terrifying wild hoards of Muslim...

02 November 2018

A Bravura, Colossal Opera of Activism


To support his musical habit and pay the bills, for 20 years among other day jobs composer Philip Glass was a cab driver in New York City. But being a hack finally paid off in...

02 November 2018

In 1939 the luxury liner St. Louis brought 937 desperate, mostly Jewish refugees to Miami. They were fleeing the Nazi Holocaust. They had already been turned away by Cuba.

Amidst a Red Wave of "nationalist" hate, American "...

01 November 2018

Migrant caravan 1,000 miles from US border poses NO threat

he actual news, as of October 28, was that the migrant...

31 October 2018

“Screw your optics, ...


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