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During many years of writing about or describing the terrible damage that the “special relationship” with Israel has done to the United States the question occasionally comes up “Given the enormous power of...
January 25, 2001 - Imagine Columbus Alive's surprise last week when Nigel Rosser, a British journalist and reported confidant of the royal family, contacted us to inquire about Prince Andrew's central Ohio connection....
It’s often said that in comedy, “timing is everything,” and the opening and closing of the Sacred Fools Theater Company’s production of Deadly is perfectly timed. The proverbial curtain lifted at the Broadway Main Stage on...
In lesser hands, Rogue Machine Theatre’s production of Bekah Brunstetter’s Miss Lilly Gets Boned could have been a conventional crowd pleasing rom com. Instead, this one act play veers wildly off of the tried and true primrose...
Senator Cory Booker has become a Pro-Nuke Holocaust Denier and must not be president or vice.
As desperate mostly-young millions march worldwide for the survival of our Earth, Booker embraces explosive atomic 500-F climate...