
16 October 2019

ntrigued by the controversy that erupted over Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s speech before the American Association of Christian Counselors last week in Nashville — it was titled “...

14 October 2019

The committee that awards the Nobel Peace Prize was right not to give the prize to Greta Thunberg, who deserves the highest prizes available, but not one created to fund the work of...

13 October 2019

Relationships are like apparel in that one size does not fit all. For centuries in American patriarchal society marriages were between one male and one female, and this heterosexual norm was widely expected to be the standard in...

12 October 2019


Violence is pervasive throughout human society and it has a vast range of manifestations. Moreover, some of these manifestations – particularly the threat of nuclear war (which might start...

10 October 2019

Saturday, October 12, 6:30-11pm
1021 E. Broad St., Columbus

Parking inside driveway, on street or rear parking lot...


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