
23 August 2018

In June of 2014, the ACLU and the International Human Rights Clinic at the University of Chicago Law School filed complaints with the Department of Homeland Security. And the complaints documented the cases of...

22 August 2018

Movie star Eric Roberts has joined the cast of TOWARDS THE MOUNTAINTOP: COMMEMORATING DR. KING and the 55th ANNIVERSARY OF THE MARCH ON WASHINGTON to re-enact Senator Bobby Kennedy.



18 August 2018

Rashida Tlaib has nothing about war or peace on her website. And she’s going to be elected to the seat held by Congressman John Conyers, famous for giving speeches for things like impeaching George W. Bush while telling reporters and...

18 August 2018

Fascism is a disease, a delusion, a toxic worldview. It’s encouraged and manipulated by propaganda. Its characteristics are numerous and to various degrees widespread and long-lasting. At what point their combination in sufficiently...

17 August 2018

A few days after an over-hyped white supremacist rally in Washington, D.C., was massively ...


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