
17 August 2018

Fascism is a disease, a delusion, a toxic worldview. It’s encouraged and manipulated by propaganda. Its characteristics are numerous and to various degrees widespread and long-lasting. At what point their combination in sufficiently...
16 August 2018

Ilhan Omar is the second person this year to win a Democratic Party nomination for Congress in a Democratic Party district with a platform advocating peace in a way not seen inside the Beltway. The first was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in...

16 August 2018

“He owned the gun legally and had a concealed carry permit.”

That matters?

In an otherwise neutral and informative...

16 August 2018

John James Audubon loved to paint birds...and shoot them.


Charles Darwin described the natural world…while blasting away at it. ("I do not believe that anyone could have shown more zeal for the most holy cause than I did...

15 August 2018

“I survived because I was walking to a building that was behind a small hill that faced downtown. I was standing in such a way that the building was to my right and the stone garden was to my left. It was my daughter’s wedding day and I...


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