
21 March 2018

In 2014 I wrote an article titled ‘The Global Elite is Insane’. I want to elaborate what I explained in the earlier article so that people...

19 March 2018

In Friedrich Engels’ 1880 book Socialism: Utopian and Scientific the co-founder of communism wrote about the difference between an idealistic conception of socialism and one rooted in historical, material reality. Raoul Peck’s...

Words TrustVote report with checkmark and words Bob Fitrakis with eagle in the background
18 March 2018

Ohio’s decision to buy new voting machines will make the difference between hackable -- or less-hackable elections.

Let’s begin by stating the obvious: All computer voting machines can be hacked!

We remember when Ohioans...

17 March 2018

Perhaps the best political news of the Trump era has been the emergence of sanctuary cities — city governments valuing the presence of immigrants and standing for the...

16 March 2018

BANGKOK, Thailand -- A jailed Belorussian woman who claims to have audio of Russians and Americans colluding with President Trump's election, boasted that she is a trained "huntress" who secretly...


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