
27 August 2018

Two time Medal of Honor recipient Marine Major General Smedley Butler once said “war is a racket.” He might have added that while enriching the few it victimizes and degrades...

27 August 2018

Mueller Wave of crony convictions and confessions has barely begun.

But one thing is clear: the term “collusion” vastly understates Trump’s oneness with Vladimir Putin and the Russian Mob.

Collusion implies two independent...

27 August 2018

Two exhibits in the Weisman Museum at the University of Minnesota present two contrasting worldviews, a truly sociopathic one supporting mass-murder manufactured by the U.S. government in 1917-1918, and a caring and decent one...

25 August 2018

Director/co-playwright/red diaper baby (of sorts) Mark Lonow’s semi-autobiographical Jews, Christians and Screwing Stalin cleverly interweaves the comic and the tragic, the personal and the political. Lonow claims that his grand-...

25 August 2018

BANGKOK, Thailand -- The Pentagon has conducted its first army-to-army
exercise in Brunei along the strategic, contested South China Sea
after the U.S. State Department suggested obedience to the sultanate's

Metal structure spread out like an open book on stilty metal legs with an electronic screen in the middle
24 August 2018

The speed that hackers were able to breach security on dozens of electronic voting machines at one of the United States’ largest cybersecurity conferences underscores the long-standing problem with computerized electronic voting systems...


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