Wednesday morning an event was held in a building overlooking Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., at an organization called the Center for European Policy Analysis, which is...
02 April 19
orty years ago this week, the Three Mile...
Disclaimer: I am not a dance critic nor do I play one on TV (I usually appear as a film historian and critic, which is what I am). So minus this training, you can take my two cents worth for what it’s worth. My personal main interest is...
Trump wants to leave 31% of discretionary spending for all things non-military, while Bernie wants to ...
The head of NATO is visiting the White House and Congress next week to be publicly praised by the U.S. President and both big political parties. For more on how they love NATO, keep reading.
The foreign ministers of the NATO...
So, I loves me some Greek mythology. Under the influence of Homer’s Odyssey and Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautika - especially inspired by the 1963 screen version of that third century B.C. epic poem called Jason and the...