
04 December 2017
Everyone loves a good magic trick.  The magician Harlan Tarbell noted that magic is all based in the art of misdirection.  Misdirection is simply the form of deception in which the attention of the person is focused on one thing in order...
 Bunch of peace and no war signs at the large outdoor area
30 November 2017

In a time of endless war and triumphant cynicism, I found myself the other day unexpectedly walking through the doors of perception. Yeah, those doors.

30 November 2017

SHIP’S LOG, February 15, 2018 — How the Earthlings have survived is a mystery. Ever since the United States impeached and removed Donald Trump for accidentally live-streaming himself sexually assaulting a tourist (or was it really for...

30 November 2017

Several years ago in Cameroon, a country in West Africa, a Western Black Rhinoceros was killed. It was the last of its kind on Earth.


Hence, the Western Black Rhinoceros, the largest subspecies of rhinoceros which had...

27 November 2017

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Pope Francis' first-ever visit by a Roman
Catholic pontiff to Buddhist-majority Myanmar which started on
November 27 will be closely watched for his reaction to the country's
bloody military...


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