Are veterans of the U.S. military disproportionately likely to be mass killers in the United States? Asking such a question is difficult, first because of concerns of profiling, discrimination, etc., and second, because it’s hard to...
On Wednesday night, Nov. 8, 2017, the exact one year anniversary of Trump's Electoral College theft of the presidency, Artists Rise Up Los Angeles held its third event. ARULA was co-created by director Sue Hamilton the day after Trump’s...
NATO’s recent provocative decision to build up its military forces across Europe by sending four new multinational battalions to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland, comes at a time of great turmoil and intense questioning of global...
Things fall apart, the center cannot hold . . .
The “man’s world” I grew up is shattering into fragments of shame, contrition and desperate denial....
“Let me be clear: The use of starvation as a weapon of war is a war crime.” – UN...
On Tuesday the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on whether Trump can just up and nuke people or not. The hand-picked witnesses, all former military, all said there was some chance that if Trump ordered a nuking,...