23 March 2017



There’s a lot of talk these days about the “Deep...

23 March 2017

We have a president who is belligerent towards Iran, who is sending “boots on the ground” to fight ISIS, who loves Israel passionately and who is increasing already bloated defense budgets. If one were a neoconservative, what is there...

22 March 2017

This U.S. premiere at Long Beach Opera is no hagiography of one our country’s most beloved folklore and pop culture heroes. Based on Peter Stephan Jungk’s novel, composer Philip Glass and librettist Rudolph Wurlitzer’s ironically named...

22 March 2017

The last time a U.S. president faced a strong movement for impeachment for actual impeachable offenses, one of the major road blocks was fear that an unpopular vice president would take his place, and this road block was removed when...

22 March 2017

Calls on District Attorney and City Commissioners to uphold election integrity

PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — Earlier today, Cheri Honkala got word of voter intimidation and irregularities taking place during the special...


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