29 January 2017

Here's why I ask. Maddow devotes many minutes on MSNBC stirring up hatred of Russia in order to establish that there is a vague possibility that President Donald Trump might be corrupted by a foreign government.

But that's...

25 January 2017

s advertised, Trump’s inaugural featured a strong promise to put America first, without really articulating just what that means. The original...

25 January 2017

Nonviolent action is extremely powerful.

Unfortunately, however, activists do not always understand why nonviolence is so powerful and they design 'direct actions' that are virtually powerless.

I would like...

25 January 2017

Here we are on Day 5 of the Donald Trump presidency, and he's got "special" forces of the U.S. military in two-thirds of the world's nations. He's engaged in serious occupation and/or bombing campaigns in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan...

23 January 2017

What are the grounds for impeachment?

They will likely be piling up rapidly. President Trump did use Day 1 to...


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