
12 November 2012
Remarks at the Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center on November 10, 2012: Thank you to Sergio for inviting me and helping set up this little trip I'm on. Before I forget, tomorrow is Armistice Day, so we'll be celebrating by dying in front...
09 November 2012
On October 10th, Yekaterina Samutsevich was freed from prison on appeal. She is one of the three members of the Russian band Pussy Riot who was convicted of hooliganism on August 17th and initially handed a two-year prison sentence for...
02 November 2012
It seems as though most Americans don’t know that the Obama administration has backed off its commitment to stop a Canadian oil firm from bringing dangerous and toxic tar sands from the fields in Alberta, Canada to oil refineries in Texas...
01 November 2012
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thailand's popularly elected, pro-U.S. government suffered a rude wake-up when thousands of people gathered on Sunday (October 28) demanding the military stage an immediate coup.

"I would love to see a...
21 October 2012
I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
––William Butler Yeats

Haroon has recurring dreams. Haroon whose father was killed when he was a boy and who remembers a gnawing...
17 October 2012
BANGKOK, Thailand -- The death of Cambodia's Norodom Sihanouk on Monday (Oct. 15) in Beijing symbolized how China had sheltered him in a mansion with personal medical, diplomatic and financial assistance throughout much of his often bloody...


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