09 October 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- India's Hindu temples possess donated gold which may equal half of America's Fort Knox bullion, but some are rejecting demands by the government to reveal the value of their sacred stockpiles.

09 October 2013
This article is the Introduction to the new book War No More: The Case for Abolition, published in October 2013.
As I write this, in September 2013, something extraordinary has just happened. Public pressure has led the...
05 October 2013
Journalist, author, activist and historian Harvey Wasserman has been reporting on, and participating in, the nuclear free movement for decades. In that time, by his judgment, only one other event matches the danger to the world posed by...
04 October 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Saudi Arabian women scored a hilarious boost to their campaign for the right to drive when an Islamist cleric became an international laughingstock for insisting ovaries suffer damage if women hold a steering wheel...
04 October 2013
On October 11, we'll learn whether the Norwegian Nobel Committee is interested in reviving the Nobel Peace Prize or putting another nail in its coffin.

Alfred Nobel's vision for the Nobel Peace Prize created in his will was a...
03 October 2013

The community was out of control — the children, oh my God, the children, were sniffing gasoline and pretty much abandoning any pretense of a future — and the social and criminal-justice systems were just adding to the problem. Nothing...


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