
27 January 2011
“The loose network among relatives offers the grim solace of knowing that others too have suffered the same curse.”
Every terrible rift is the occasion for peace and the place for the peacemaker. And often peace is nothing more, at...
24 January 2011
Bradley Manning, alleged U.S. Army whistleblower, is in two ways -- one likely, the other certain -- being punished for the crimes of others.

On Monday a crowd that I was part of staged a protest at Quantico, where Manning...
23 January 2011
Good evening Dr. Fatrikis,

In reading your article about General Vang Pao, I have found your article to be baseless, frictional and absolutely irresponsible as a professional. I am a Hmong and many of my extended family...
23 January 2011
Dear Dr. Fitrakis,

My name is Teng Vang.  I live in the beautiful state of North Carolina.  I happened to read your column dated January 18, 2011 about our leader General Vang Pao.

I am dismay in reading your...
23 January 2011
To: Dr. Bob Fitrakis, the editor of the freepress.

I want to complain to you about your article which has been posted by New York Time on Thursday 20th 2011 about Vang Pao was one of the world's most notorious drug dealers....
20 January 2011
On December 18, 2010, Cuban President Raúl Castro warned Cubans: the nation faced a crisis. The disastrous condition of Cuba's economy no longer allowed the state any maneuvering room to walk the dangerous “precipice” of inefficiency, low...


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