
05 February 2008
The latest job numbers are in. And it isn’t a pretty picture. The overall economy lost jobs last month for the first time in four years. Over the next six months, 1.3 million unemployed men and women will run out of benefits without...
28 January 2008
In November, 1992, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton defeated Republican incumbent President George Herbert Walker Bush for the presidency by running his campaign on a simple theme: “It’s the Economy, Stupid.” The Bush Recession of 1990-1991...
27 January 2008
Several years ago I was walking home to my Manhattan apartment from Columbia University, just having delivered a lecture on New York state’s notorious “Rockefeller Drug Laws.” The state’s mandatory-minimum sentencing laws had thrown tens...
26 January 2008
Don’t Let Washington Provoke Another War Based on Lies and Fraud! The Bush Administration has been caught red-handed manufacturing the highly publicized "provocation" off the Iranian coast on Jan. 6 when five small Iranian open-air...
23 January 2008
Tomorrow, the Senate will begin debate -- again -- on whether or not to give immunity to giant telecom companies that helped the NSA illegally listen to your phone conversations and read your emails.
The White House is fighting hard...


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