
21 September 2004
The following is excerpted from Staughton Lynd’s forthcoming book, LUCASVILLE: THE UNTOLD STORY OF A PRISON UPRISING (Temple University Press).

One of the many ways that Attica lived on in the uprising at Lucasville...
21 September 2004
Bob Fitrakis is at his best when he writes about George Voinovich at his worst. Catching Voinovich at his worst was not that hard when the former “frugal” Cleveland mayor and future “moderate” U.S. senator held statehouse ethics hostage as...
21 September 2004
Every fish sample from 70 different lakes and rivers tainted with dangerous toxin
Toxic levels in fish often exceed “safe” limit for women of childbearing age

Every lake, river and stream in Ohio is likely...
21 September 2004
Patti Smith is the high priestess of NY Punk. In a world where Avril Lavigne and Christina Aguilera are considered rebellious, thank god Patti can still come around and remind them they’re not. I would love to see these MTV darlings go on...
21 September 2004
Now, more than ever, pigs need to unite and take to the streets in protest against atrocities against all creatures great and small. From innocent dogs used in the sadistic and shameful abuses in Iraq to tiny mice whose backs will be...
21 September 2004
Dear Editor:

I believe that the 9/11 Commission, while necessary, has missed the forest for the trees; by focusing on the single-event attack, and not on the history of the Western powers’ Middle East and Third World foreign...


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