
02 November 2004
Election Day Report – Columbus, Ohio

12:15pm EST

This morning, voters in the 55th and 5th Wards of Columbus’ near east side, majority African American and overwhelmingly Democratic areas, were waiting between two to three hours...

02 November 2004
Election Day Report – Columbus, Ohio

12:15pm EST

This morning, voters in the 55th and 5th Wards of Columbus’ near east side, majority African American and overwhelmingly Democratic areas, were waiting between two to three...

01 November 2004
Don't let anything or anyone stop you from voting!
Bring your government-issued photo ID.
Number to call if you have problems:

Franklin County, Ohio
Polls are open from 6:30am until 7:...
01 November 2004
01 November 2004
The 2004 Presidential election is perhaps the most crucial national political contest in a generation. The stakes have never been higher for the welfare and future of the American people – and more specifically, for African Americans,...
30 October 2004
George Bush may be getting the same kind of legal and musical advice as he gets from his military and environmental strategists.

Amidst a torrent of bad news, yet another Bush fiasco has erupted with his attempt to use the...


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