It's Not Too Late! Tell the FDA
That Women Need Over-the-Counter Emergency Contraception with NO
Urge the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to approve Plan B, a brand
of the morning-after pill, for non-prescription sales...
03 May 2004
Two weeks ago, I asked you to help conserve our oceans by asking the National Marine Fisheries Service to protect essential fish habitat in the ocean, and you responded - almost 8,000 people nationwide sent in their comments.
02 May 2004
Please take a moment to
register your concern for protecting the Big Darby Creek, a national
scenic waterway. It is a treasure of our natural landscape threatened
by unplanned urban development....
02 May 2004
Hello there,
I just found your listing at the United for Peace and Justice website.
Hope you'll decide to register and join with us in a virtual march on the White House, taking place at 2PM US Central Standard...
I just found your listing at the United for Peace and Justice website.
Hope you'll decide to register and join with us in a virtual march on the White House, taking place at 2PM US Central Standard...
30 April 2004
Thirty years after defeat in Vietnam, while the mainstream media contorts
itself with oil-free justifications for the Bush attack on Iraq, George Will
speaks clearly.
An administration that does not believe in democracy is...
An administration that does not believe in democracy is...
29 April 2004
The stark fact that significant portions of our planet are under the supervision of quite exceptionally stupid and ill-informed people is provoking unwonted expressions of anger and alarm. It is hard to think of people more demure in...